Overview: San Pedro is a cactus native to the Andes Mountains of South America that contains mescaline, a psychedelic compound that has been used for spiritual and healing purposes by indigenous peoples for thousands of years. The traditional San Pedro ceremony embodies a fundamentally different worldview than that held by Western healthcare professionals, and the curandero or shaman plays a central role. A San Pedro experience may include psychedelic effects and introspective insights. Scholars of indigenous medicine suggest that the psychedelic experience induced by San Pedro, within its sacred context, can bring therapeutic and insightful benefits on physical, psychological, and spiritual levels. San Pedro, in shamanic traditions, is believed to have the power to uncover hidden knowledge through divination.
“After Jose invokes all the appropriate powers … he takes a glass of an extract from the San Pedro cactus (Trichocereus pachanoi). His two assistants receive their doses and then each patient, one by one, is called before the "altar" to do the same.”
Here, medical anthropologist Donald Joralemon offers a glimpse into the healing practices of Peruvian San Pedro curandero (native healer), José Paz Chapofian. Prior to ingesting San Pedro medicine, a ceremonial altar or “mesa” is adorned with an array of symbolic objects, including pre-Hispanic ceramics, Catholic icons, and medicinal herbs. Rhythmic rattle shaking, whistling, and singing then initiate the ritual.
Like many Peruvian curanderos, José utilizes the visionary effects of the chemical compounds found in San Pedro, including the classic psychedelic mescaline (3,4,5-trimethoxyphenethylamine), to conduct healing sessions twice weekly in the seaside town of Huanchaco and the small coastal city of Lambayeque. His shamanistic work requires him to enter a trance-like state of consciousness, allowing him to communicate with plant and animal spirits and journey to distant realms.
While this mode of healing may seem unfamiliar to those only exposed to Western medicine, there exist alternative means of treating the sick, combating “bad luck,” and removing “black magic curses.” San Pedro shamanism has a rich history, with archaeological evidence suggesting this ancient magico-religious healing ritual dates back as far as 10,000 years.What is San Pedro?
San Pedro, also known as huachuma (meaning “removing the head”), and commonly referred to as a “grandfather medicine,” is a fast-growing, multi-stemmed cactus native to the dry and rocky landscapes of the Andes Mountains, stretching from Ecuador to Argentina. San Pedro is one of the more widely renowned psychedelic plants employed in the context of ritual healing.
San Pedro, also known as “Huachuma,” and commonly referred to as a “grandfather medicine,” is a fast-growing, multi-stemmed cactus native to the dry and rocky landscapes of the Andes Mountains where it is of great cultural importance. San Pedro is one of the more widely renowned psychedelic plants employed in the context of ritual healing.
San Pedro is a long, deep green, night-blooming species that grows wild and contains mescaline at rates ranging from 0.025% to 4.7% of dry cactus weight. Notably, mescaline is the main psychoactive constituent in several other medicinal cactus species, including peyote (Lophophora williamsii), and was the first classical psychedelic to pervade mainstream Western culture.
Originally misclassified as Opuntia cylindrica, the correct name for San Pedro is Echinopsis pachanoi, scientifically speaking. However, these terms are often used interchangeably, and you can use either Trichocereus pachanoi or Echinopsis pachanoi to convey that you are speaking about San Pedro cactus.
During the 16th century, Spanish conquistadors observed the ceremonial consumption of San Pedro by native South Americans. Christian missionaries who arrived in the region at the same time referred to the plant as “the plant with which the devil deceived the Indians of Peru in their paganism.”
With the Christianization of the indigenous people, the ritual consumption of San Pedro was integrated into the emerging Christian belief systems, and the plant was renamed after Saint Peter. Saint Peter is commonly associated with the keys to heaven, symbolizing San Pedro’s potential to facilitate access to a more peaceful state of consciousness or alternate reality.
The characteristic features of a traditional San Pedro ceremony imply the existence of a radically different worldview among shamanic practitioners than is typically held by health professionals in the West. It is said that San Pedro possesses an innate intelligence that communicates to users upon ingestion, which is why indigenous healers often refer to the cactus as a "plant teacher."
In a 1998 paper titled “Hallucinogenic Drugs and Plants in Psychotherapy and Shamanism,” Ralph Metzner, a former psychedelic researcher at Harvard and co-author of the influential book ‘The Psychedelic Experience: A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead,’ described the essential characteristics of San Pedro rituals that contribute to their efficacy.
The role of the curandero, curandera (female healer), shaman, or guide, is always described as absolutely central. Curanderos have extensive personal experience in the use of mind-altering plant medicines. They are experts in facilitating initiatory healing experiences for the sick and unfortunate and training aspiring curanderos to perfect the practice. In most San Pedro rituals, the curandero does most of the singing, and this singing profoundly shapes the nature of the experience.
During the ceremony, the curandero sings and uses rhythmic drumming, which helps guide the participants through their visions and minimizes the risk of getting trapped in frightening experiences. The curandero's extensive experience with San Pedro enables them to ensure that participants have a safe and potentially transformative experience.
Having an intimate understanding of the effects of San Pedro, curanderos are in an excellent position to facilitate safe visionary journeys for ritual participants.
Overall, the curandero's knowledge and skills are critical to the the San Pedro ceremony, and they play a fundamental role in guiding participants through their healing journeys.
Scholars of indigenous medicine suggest that the psychedelic experience induced by San Pedro, within its sacred context, can bring therapeutic and insightful benefits on physical, psychological, and spiritual levels. However, indigenous healers do not analyze the experience in the same way as modern medicine.
Traditional San Pedro ceremonies typically focus on three main variations of healing: first, removing a “dago,” a vengeful toxin that is believed to have been implanted by an evil sorcerer called a “brujo”; second, retrieving a lost fragment of the soul; and third, experiencing physical destruction and rebirth as a healthier, stronger person.
San Pedro, in shamanic traditions, is believed to have the power to uncover hidden knowledge through divination, which is the practice of seeking hidden knowledge or insights through communication with the divine or otherworldly realms. This idea is similar to the concept of diagnosis in Western medicine, but with a different approach.
Instead of identifying a modern illness like depression, San Pedro curanderos aim to uncover the source of a poisonous implant, locate lost soul fragments, and determine the ideal combination of plant medicines to provide a remedy. In this way, San Pedro is used as a tool for identifying and treating a range of physical, spiritual, and emotional conditions in a sacred context.
In shamanic traditions, there is a belief in accessing metaphysical realms known as the "inner world" or “spirit world.” These are considered non-ordinary or alternate states of consciousness by psychedelic researchers in the West.
Shamanic practitioners may journey to these realms on the back of an animal or with the help of a large bird. During these experiences, the boundaries between the ordinary and non-ordinary worlds are said to dissolve, providing access to hidden knowledge and healing potential.
As is commonly reported by users of another naturally-occurring classical psychedelic, DMT (N, N-dimethyltryptamine), an experience with San Pedro may involve interactive encounters with seemingly autonomous, nonmaterial spirit beings or entities.
Users of San Pedro may have the experience of morphing into or identifying with a particular plant or animal spirit or other extraterrestrial entity. Considered allies, such spirits are thought to play an instrumental role in the healing that takes place in traditional San Pedro ceremonies, however, contact with evil spirits that need to be defeated is also possible. Spirit encounters are often of a personal, religious, spiritual, or transcendental nature.
These spirits are believed to be associated with animals of special significance among indigenous cultures (e.g., a jaguar or serpent), plants or fungi, certain settings (e.g., a rainforest), deceased ancestors, and other scenarios and concepts.
It is interesting to note that such encounters with spirits are said to be more frequent in dimly lit or dark surroundings, which is why San Pedro rituals are typically held during nighttime hours.
A high dose of mescaline is required to experience its effects. Like other psychedelics, the experience can be influenced by various factors such as administration route, dosage, mindset, setting, and individual physiology.
The effects of San Pedro can take several hours to appear, however most people start to feel effects within 15-40 minutes. The come-up phase can be uncomfortable and include nausea, vomiting, sweating, and dizziness, though these effects are temporary and typically not as intense as those produced by the Amazonian brew ayahuasca.
After the initial unpleasant symptoms wear off, the San Pedro experience can feel like a dreamlike intoxication that lasts for 8-14 hours. During this time, users typically experience profound perceptual distortions, emotional enhancement, and changes in patterns of thought and sense of self identity.
San Pedro can induce a variety of sensory experiences, including brilliantly colored lights, geometric visuals, and synesthesia, where the senses blend together. It can also alter one's perception of time and space.
The experience can be accompanied by feelings of euphoria, bliss, empathy, and compassion, which can help people better understand and connect with themselves and their loved ones. It may also lead to a softening or loss of self-consciousness, a dissolving of boundaries between self and other, and a sense of unity or interconnectedness with all things.
Additionally, users may re-experience significant scenes from their personal life or gain new insights into their relationships and see things from a different point of view. Some scholars of shamanism and pre-Columbian practices in South and Central suggest that San Pedro has the potential to open the mind like a flower and make visible the forces that contribute to sickness, allowing for curative intervention.
During traditional San Pedro ceremonies, participants often describe the experience as purifying and cleansing. Many believe that San Pedro helps to rid their body of harmful toxins that have been implanted by negative external forces. They report feeling a sense of emotional release and mental clarity after participating in a San Pedro ceremony.
Importantly, the effects of San Pedro can vary widely.
While the majority of people who use San Pedro report positive experiences, some individuals may have a challenging experience that can be destabilizing. These experiences can be emotionally intense and can involve feelings of fear, anxiety, and paranoia. It's also worth noting that challenging experiences can lead to personally meaningful insights and personal growth for some users.
It's essential to approach the use of San Pedro with respect, care, and caution, and to have a trusted curandero, guide or sitter present to provide support if needed. If you are considering using San Pedro, it's important to do your research, seek medical advice, understand the potential risks, and approach the experience with an open mind and curiosity.
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Dr. Ana Holmes, Physican, Philadelphia, US
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Dr. Ana Holmes, Physican, Philadelphia, US